Comparison of Satellite and Airborne LiDAR data
In this project, I created a workflow to compare GEDI and ICESat-2 against high-quality discrete-return LiDAR data for an area of interest.
The main steps are to:
- download and subset ICESat-2 data for an area of interest
- create spatial geometries from ICESat-2 and GEDI data csv files
- this involved creating different geometries for the two instruments, because they have different pulse footprints
- extract corresponding discrete-return data for each geometry and calculate height metrics
- intersect geometries with forest group and forest cover layers and calculate summary values for each polygon
- plot the results
Code for the project is available in a Github Repository
Part 1. Download Data
In R, define the boundary.
Now write to boundary to a shapefile. The resulting shapefile can be used to find overlapping files in the data portals.
write_boundary_shp(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, './boundary/boundary.shp')
Discrete-Return LiDAR Data
Download 3DEP USGS Discrete-Return LiDAR Data within the area of interest using the USGS LidarExplorer:
Download GEDI Level 2A Version 2 Data from
I uploaded the shapefile of the boundary area and found 9 GEDI granules that intersect the area of interest. The download urls are shown below. Note, these files are large ~ 2 Gb each.
Download ICESat-2 L3A Land and Vegetaion Height, Version 5 data using the python download script,, that is automatically generated at
In a terminal, run the following:
py ./
Part 2. Spatially Subset the Data
Spatially subset the GEDI data by cloning the GEDI-subsetter by Cole Krehbiel from
In a terminal, run the following:
conda create -n gedi -c conda-forge --yes python=3.7 h5py shapely geopandas pandas
conda activate gedi
python ./gedi-subsetter/ --dir ./data/0_orig/gedi/ --roi 35.159778,-111.5872356,35.1363133,-111.538214
** Note: From this point on, all code is written for R.**
Spatially subset the ICESat-2 data and convert from hdf to csv.
hdf_to_csv('./data/0_orig/icesat2/','./data/1_subset/icesat2/icesat2.csv', ymax, xmin, ymin, xmax)
Part 3. Create Spatial Geometries
Convert the given centroid coordinates for the ICESat-2 and GEDI footprint to spatial geometries . This process results in 100m x 14m rectangles for the ICESat-2 canopy data and 25m dimater circles for the GEDI data.
# define a projected coordinate system to use for spatial manipulation
projection = sp::CRS("+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=23 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")
csv_to_geometries(csv_path = './data/1_subset/icesat2/icesat2.csv',
geometry_path = './data/1_subset/icesat2/icesat2.shp',
proj = projection)
json_to_geometries(json_path = './data/1_subset/gedi/',
proj = projection)
Now let’s visualize the spatial relationship of the datasets.
# load the saved shapefiles
boundary = rgdal::readOGR('./boundary/boundary.shp', verbose = F)
icesat_geoms = rgdal::readOGR('./data/1_subset/icesat2/icesat2.shp', verbose = F)
gedi_geoms = rgdal::readOGR('./data/1_subset/gedi/gedi.shp', verbose = F)
# produce the map
leaflet() %>%
setView(lng = (xmin + xmax)/2, lat = (ymin + ymax)/2, zoom = 14) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldImagery, options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 0.5)) %>%
addPolygons(data = icesat_geoms, fillColor = "blue", fillOpacity = 0.3, stroke = FALSE) %>%
addPolygons(data = gedi_geoms, fillColor = "red", fillOpacity = 0.5, stroke = FALSE) %>%
addPolygons(data = boundary, color = "black", fillOpacity = 0) %>%
addLegend(colors = c("blue","red","black"), labels = c("ICESat-2 footprints", "GEDI footprints","3DEP coverage"), opacity = 1)
Part 4. Extract Discrete-Return Values for Satellite Footprints
In the following step, a function is used to calculate relative height metrics from the intersecting part of the discrete-return point cloud for each satellite footprint and output the resulting data as a csv.
extract_ALS_metrics(sensor = "icesat2",
geom_path = "./data/1_subset/icesat2/icesat2.shp",
output_path = "./data/2_joined/icesat_ALS.csv",
ALS_dir = './data/0_orig/USGS/',
ctg_path = './data/ctg.RDS',
proj = projection)
extract_ALS_metrics(sensor = "gedi",
geom_path = "./data/1_subset/gedi/gedi.shp",
output_path = "./data/2_joined/gedi_ALS.csv",
ALS_dir = './data/0_orig/USGS/',
ctg_path = './data/ctg.RDS',
proj = projection)
Below are visualizations of clipping the discrete-return point cloud to satellite sensor footprints. For each instruments, the point cloud is clipped to the shape of the footprint (100x14m rectangle for ICESat-2, 25m diameter circle for GEDI) The relative height metrics associated with each footprint are saved, and corresponding relative height metrics for the discrete-return data are calculated from the clipped point cloud.
Discrete-Return Point Cloud Clipped to an ICESat-2 Footprint
Discrete-Return Point Cloud Clipped to a GEDI Footprint
Part 5. Compare the Datasets
library(dplyr, quietly = T)
# Prepare ICESat-2 Data
icesat = read.csv('./data/2_joined/icesat_ALS.csv') %>%
dplyr::select(cn_h_25, cn_h_50, cn_h_75, cn_h_95,cn_max,
RH_25_ALS, RH_50_ALS,RH_75_ALS, RH_95_ALS, RH_98_ALS, RH_100_ALS) %>%
mutate(sensor = "ICESat-2") %>% # remove No Data values
filter(cn_max < 3.402823e+23) %>%
rename(RH_25_sat = cn_h_25,
RH_50_sat = cn_h_50,
RH_75_sat = cn_h_75,
RH_95_sat = cn_h_95,
RH_100_sat = cn_max)
# Prepare GEDI Data
gedi = read.csv('./data/2_joined/gedi_ALS.csv') %>%
dplyr::select(rh_25, rh_50, rh_75, rh_95, rh_100,
RH_25_ALS, RH_50_ALS,RH_75_ALS, RH_95_ALS, RH_98_ALS, RH_100_ALS) %>%
mutate(sensor = "GEDI") %>%
rename(RH_25_sat = rh_25,
RH_50_sat = rh_50,
RH_75_sat = rh_75,
RH_95_sat = rh_95,
RH_100_sat = rh_100)
# combine the datasets
combined = rbind(icesat,gedi)
library(plotly, quietly = T);
plot_ly() %>%
layout(title = "Comparison of Canopy Height Values [m] ",
yaxis = list(title='Satellite Data',
dtick = 10),
xaxis = list(title = "3DEP Discrete-Return Data",
dtick = 10)) %>%
add_trace(data = combined,
name = ~sensor,
type = "scatter",
color = ~sensor,
alpha = 0.5,
x = ~RH_98_ALS,
y = ~RH_100_sat) %>%
add_trace(x = c(0:45),
y = c(0:45),
name = "1:1 line",
color = "red",
mode = "lines")
library(tidyr, quietly = T)
# reform data to have a column for RH percentile and a column for the height values
by_RH = combined %>%
dplyr::select(-RH_98_ALS) %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
gather(key = "RH_num_type", value = "value", -sensor, -id) %>%
# pull out the numeric values
mutate(RH_num = substr(RH_num_type, 4, nchar(RH_num_type)-4)) %>%
# pull out "sat" or "ALS"
mutate(type = substr(RH_num_type, nchar(RH_num_type)-2, nchar(RH_num_type)),
# change "sat" to either ICESat-2 or GEDI
type = ifelse(type == "sat",sensor, type),
# change ALS to be more descriptive for figure legend
type = ifelse(type == "ALS", "3DEP Discrete-Return", type))
# reorder the factors so it doesn't start with 100
by_RH$RH_num = factor(by_RH$RH_num, levels = c("25","50","75","95","100"))
fig1 = plot_ly() %>%
layout(title = "",
yaxis=list(title='Height [m]'),
xaxis = list(title = "Relative Height Percentile"),
legend = list(x = 0.05, y = 0.95)) %>%
add_boxplot(data = by_RH %>% filter(sensor == "GEDI"),
name = ~type,
legendgroup = 'a',
x = ~RH_num,
y = ~value,
color = ~type) %>%
layout(boxmode = "group")
fig2 = plot_ly() %>%
layout(title = "",
yaxis=list(title='Height [m]'),
xaxis = list(title = "Relative Height Percentile")) %>%
add_boxplot(data = by_RH %>% filter(sensor == "ICESat-2"),
name = ~type,
legendgroup = 'b',
x = ~RH_num,
y = ~value,
color = ~type,
colors = "Dark2") %>%
layout(boxmode = "group")
fig <- subplot(fig1, fig2, nrows = 2, titleX = T, titleY = T, shareX = T, shareY = T) %>%
layout(title = list(text = "Height Values Comparison for Multiple Relative Height Percecntiles "),
yaxis=list(title='Height [m]'),
xaxis = list(title = "Relative Height Percentile"))
Overall, there is a clear relationship between values from the satellite instruments and high-quality 3DEP discrete-return LiDAR data. However, there are some outliers and more could be done to explore these relationships. Filtering for nighttime data, GEDI strong beams, and thresholds for the quality flags would yield the highest quality data for filtering. However, that may not leave us with much data in the small area used for this example.
Here is an example where those filters were used in an analysis done in 2020. The data is from a larger area near Lake Tahoe. The code for this project was slightly different because the project was set up to run on a high-performance computing cluster due to the large size of the datasets. That code is available on the “NAU” fork of the same repository.
Dataset References
Dubayah, R., Tang, H., Armston, J., Luthcke, S., Hofton, M., Blair, J. (2020). GEDI L2B Canopy Cover and Vertical Profile Metrics Data Global Footprint Level V001 [Data set]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. Accessed 2021-11-30 from
Neuenschwander, A. L., K. L. Pitts, B. P. Jelley, J. Robbins, B. Klotz, S. C. Popescu, R. F. Nelson, D. Harding, D. Pederson, and R. Sheridan. 2021. ATLAS/ICESat-2 L3A Land and Vegetation Height, Version 5. [Indicate subset used]. Boulder, Colorado USA. NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center Distributed Active Archive Center. doi: [2020-12-01].
AZ Coconino 2019 B19: Discrete-Return LiDAR Data downloaded from USGS 3DEP LiDAR Explorer [2020-11-30].
write_boundary_shp function
write_boundary_shp = function(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, filepath){
# Author: Laura Puckett.
# 11/30/2021
# Purpose: Write a shapefile from bounding box coordinates in WGS84.
library(sp); library(rgdal);
coords = c(c(xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax),c(ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin))
Srl = NULL
x = c(xmax, xmax, xmin, xmin, xmax)
y = c(ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin)
poly = Polygon(coords = cbind(x, y))
Polygons_obj = Polygons(srl = c(poly), ID = as.numeric(1))
Srl = append(Polygons_obj, Srl)
Sr = SpatialPolygons(Srl = Srl, proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
spdf = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = Sr, data =, match.ID = T)
spdf@data = data.frame("X" = 1)
writeOGR(obj = spdf,
dsn = filepath,
layer = 'boundary',
overwrite_layer = T,
driver = 'ESRI Shapefile')
hdf_to_csv Function
hdf_to_csv = function(icesat_dir, output_path, ymax, xmin, ymin, xmax){
# *********************************************************************************#
# -----0. Packages
# ********************************************************************************#
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE))
# *********************************************************************************#
# -----1: Body
# ********************************************************************************#
icesat_files = list.files(icesat_dir, pattern = "h5", recursive = TRUE)
# print(c("icesat files: ", icesat_files))
df = NULL
for(beam in c("1l","1r","2l","2r","3l","3r")){
for (filename in icesat_files){
tmp = try(rhdf5::h5read(file = paste0(icesat_dir, filename), paste0("/gt", beam, "/")), silent = TRUE)
# in some .h5 files, there isn't info for every beam
if(class(tmp) == "try-error"){
print(paste0("Information from file ", filename, "is missing for beam ", beam))
}else if(is.null(tmp$land_segments)==FALSE){
df.tmp = NULL
# extract metadata
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "seg_id_beg" = tmp$land_segments$segment_id_beg)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "seg_id_end" = tmp$land_segments$segment_id_end)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "lat" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$latitude))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "lon" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$longitude))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "h_te_mean" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$h_te_mean))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "n_te_photons" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$n_te_photons))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "h_te_uncertainty" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$h_te_uncertainty))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "terrain_slope" = as.numeric(tmp$land_segments$terrain_slope))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "night_flag" = tmp$land_segments$night_flag)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "landcover" = tmp$land_segments$segment_landcover)
# extract canopy related values
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_mean" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$h_mean_canopy)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_max" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$h_max_canopy)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "h_can" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$h_canopy)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_med" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$h_median_canopy)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_25" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[1,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_50" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[2,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_60" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[3,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_70" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[4,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_75" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[5,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_80" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[6,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_85" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[7,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_90" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[8,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_h_95" = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_h_metrics)[9,])
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_open" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_openness)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "toc_rough" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$toc_roughness)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_unc" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$h_canopy_uncertainty)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_pho" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$n_ca_photons)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "toc_pho" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$n_toc_photons)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "cn_close" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$canopy_closure)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "n_pho" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$n_photons)
# add up canopy flags across the 5 sections of the canopy segment
sub_cn_flag_sum = unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$subset_can_flag)[1,] +
unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$subset_can_flag)[2,] +
unlist(tmp$land_segments$canopy$subset_can_flag)[4,] +
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "sub_cn_flag_sum" = sub_cn_flag_sum)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "ls_flag" = tmp$land_segments$canopy$landsat_flag)
# Add Information Included in the Filename
df.tmp =
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "beam" = beam)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "filename" = filename)
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "year" = substr(filename, 7, 10))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "month" = substr(filename, 11, 12))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "day" = substr(filename, 13, 14))
df.tmp = cbind(df.tmp, "hhmmss" = substr(filename, 15,20))
df = rbind(df, df.tmp)
# Spatially subset the data
print("filtering for bounding box")
df = df[which(df$lat>ymin & df$lat<ymax & df$lon>xmin & df$lon<xmax),]
write.csv(df, output_path)
csv_to_geometries function
csv_to_geometries = function(csv_path, geometry_path, proj){
# Author: Laura Puckett
# 08/26/2020
# Purpose: Convert a csv file of icesat-2 data into a shapefile of spatial geomtries representing the footprint of the canopy-level data, which is aggregated every 100m along-track.
print(paste0("icesat path: ", csv_path))
print(paste0("geometry_path: ", geometry_path))
print(paste0("proj: ", proj))
#### Create footprint geometries
# states that lat and long are expressed as the center-most photon, aggregated in 100m chunks
# states that the diameter for the 100m aggregated tracks is about 14m
icesat_data = read.csv(csv_path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
coord <- cbind(as.numeric(icesat_data$lon), as.numeric(icesat_data$lat))
icesat_spdf = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coord, icesat_data)
sp::proj4string(icesat_spdf) = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")
icesat = spTransform(icesat_spdf, proj)
footprint_spdf = NULL
print(paste0("total number of points: ", nrow(icesat@data)))
for(footprintNum in 1:nrow(icesat@data)){
#### get data from one icesat-2 point for a single beam
point = sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
coords = cbind(icesat@coords[footprintNum,1], icesat@coords[footprintNum,2]),
proj4string = proj,
data = icesat@data[footprintNum,])
#### make the geometry for the rectangular footprint of the point
# the idea here is to:
# (a) use a pair of points to figure out what direction the "track" is,
# (b) use that to construct a line,
# (c) extend the line to the other side of the point of interest,
# (d) grab a portion of that line that has 50m on either side of the point of interest,
# (e) buffer that line by the appropriate width to get the rectangle that
# the "point" of aggregated data represents
sorted = icesat@data %>% # finding the previous point on the line segment
filter(filename == point@data$filename & beam == point@data$beam) %>%
point_segid_index = which(sorted$seg_id_beg == point@data$seg_id_beg)
if(point_segid_index > 1){
prev_seg_id = sorted[point_segid_index-1,"seg_id_beg"]
prev_point_num = which(icesat@data$seg_id_beg == prev_seg_id & icesat@data$filename == point@data$filename & icesat@data$beam == point@data$beam)
prev_point_coords = cbind(x1 = icesat@coords[prev_point_num,1],x2 = icesat@coords[prev_point_num,2])
# comparing points from two points along the line
x1 = point@coords[1]
y1 = point@coords[2]
x0 = prev_point_coords[1]
y0 = prev_point_coords[2]
xdiff = x1-x0
ydiff = y1-y0
# extending that line to both sides of x0,y0
xy <- cbind(c(x1-xdiff, x1+xdiff),c(y1-ydiff, y1+ydiff))
xy.sp = sp::SpatialPoints(xy)
line <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(xy.sp), ID=footprintNum)))
line@proj4string = proj
# intersect that with pointBuffer to retain only the portion of the line that
# will be used to create the footprint box
pointBuffer = gBuffer(point, width = 50, byid = TRUE)
intsct = gIntersection(line, pointBuffer) # get 50m of line segment on either side of point
# buffer that line to the appropriate width (14m across)
footprint = gBuffer(intsct, width=(14/2), capStyle = "FLAT")
footprint = sp::spTransform(footprint, CRSobj = crs("+init=epsg:4326"))
#### ----- Save the data with the geometries
footprint_spdf_tmp = SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(footprint[1], point@data, match.ID = F)
footprint_spdf = footprint_spdf_tmp
footprint_spdf = rbind(footprint_spdf, footprint_spdf_tmp)
writeOGR(obj = footprint_spdf, dsn = geometry_path, layer = "icesat2", driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = T)
json_to_geometries function
json_to_geometries = function(json_path, geometry_path, proj){
# Author: Laura Puckett
# 11/30/2020
# Purpose: Convert json files of subsetted GEDI footprints to a single shapefile of polygons representing the GEDI footprints
points = NULL
for(file in list.files(json_path, pattern = ".json")){
points_tmp = readOGR(paste0(json_path, file))
points = points_tmp
points = rbind(points, points_tmp)
# transform to projected coordinate system for buffering
points = spTransform(points, proj)
# create 12.5m radius geometries from gedi footprint center points
geoms = rgeos::gBuffer(points, width = 12.5, byid = T) %>%
# convert back to WGS84
spTransform(sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
writeOGR(geoms, layer = "geometry", geometry_path, driver = "ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = T)
extract_ALS_metrics function
# Define function to calculate height metrics for aerial LiDAR Survey (ALS) data within geometries
extract_ALS_metrics = function(sensor, geom_path, output_path, ALS_dir, ctg_path, proj){
# Author: Laura Puckett
# 08/26/2020
# Purpose: extract discrete-return Aerial LiDAR Survey (ALS) data within a given polygon, calculate relative height metrics, and output results as a csv file.
list.of.packages <- c("lidR","rgdal", "raster","dplyr", "sp")
new.packages <- list.of.packages[!(list.of.packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)>0) install.packages(new.packages, repos='')
library(lidR); library(rgdal); library(raster); library(dplyr); library(sp)
ctg = readRDS(ctg_path)
ctg = readLAScatalog(ALS_dir)
saveRDS(object = ctg, file = ctg_path)
geoms_WGS84 = rgdal::readOGR(geom_path)
geoms = spTransform(geoms_WGS84, proj)
data = NULL
# clip point cloud to a buffered version of the geometry (keeping edges for ground surface interpolation)
for(i in 1:nrow(geoms@data)){
geom = geoms[i,]
las_bufferclip = lidR::clip_roi(las = ctg, geometry = rgeos::gBuffer(geom, 5, byid=T))
# normalize point cloud to the ground
norm_las = normalize_height(las_bufferclip, knnidw())
## Summarize point cloud over entire geometry
norm_las_clip = clip_roi(norm_las, geom)
# filter for unclassified or vegetation points
veg = filter_poi(norm_las_clip, Classification %in% c(1L, 3L, 4L, 5L))
# calculate metrics defined in myMetrics function
las_met = cloud_metrics(las = norm_las_clip, func = myMetrics(Z))
geom_data = cbind(geom@data,
# can't rbind to NULL, so using this to initialize the dataframe
data = geom_data
data = rbind(data, geom_data)
write.csv(data, output_path)
myMetrics = function(z) {
metrics = list(
RH_100_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(1.00)),
RH_99_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.99)),
RH_98_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.98)),
RH_95_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.95)),
RH_75_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.75)),
RH_50_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.50)),
RH_25_ALS = quantile(z, probs = c(0.25)))